Campaign Set-Up Help

Find posts designed to help you set you your own Fabrily campaign – from best product price ranges, maximizing profit, answers to FAQs, and setting up you campaign via we’ve got it all here! Make sure to visit our YouTube channel ( for video tutorials too!

New Features at Fabrily: Discount Codes, Cross Sells, Bigger Bonuses, and More!

As promised, we have just released a bunch of awesome new features! Combined with our price discount of 30% off tees and 40% off hoodies, nothing can stop you now!

Discount Codes
You can now offer buyers a discount on their purchase! Discount codes have increased conversions significantly in testing and will undoubtedly increase your sales. To create a discount, just log-in to your dashboard, click on “My Promotions”, and create a code.

You can choose between a flexible (percentage) or fixed (numerical) discount and create as many codes as you’d like. After you have created a code, you can use it on any of your campaigns. All you need to do is add this variable to the end of the camapign URL: ?pr=DISCOUNTCODE.

For example, if your code is “SHQY7A”, your discount URL would be:

If you create multiple discount codes, you can create multiple discount URLs for one campaign. This is great for offering special discounts to different groups of buyers!

When potential buyers visit your campaign page using the discount URL, the discount will be automatically applied when they check-out. You can then monitor how many times the discount was redeemed for each campaign and keep track of your profits (minus discounts) via the profits tab on the dashboard.

Cross-sells have been proven to increase sales and are now automatically shown upon check-out when a buyer purchases from a campaign within a store of 2 or more active campaigns. You can turn this function on or off for your store but we recommend that you leave it on–the only thing that could happen is that you sell more items!


Bonuses Over 100 Items
Sell more, get more! If you sell over 100 items, you’ll receive more profit for every 10-20 items sold over 100 (amount depends on the product) up to 1,000 items. Play around with the TeeMaker to see the potential earnings for your campaign!

More Colours Per Campaign
You already have the option of 16 colour/product combinations (with 4 colours per product), but we just made things a whole lot better! We have now made it so you can re-select the primary product in your extra product slots. Why is that important you ask? Well, this means you can choose those extra colours you always wanted to have! So, you could run a single product campaign with a whopping 16 colours!



 Click here to start trying all our new features!

How to monitor your campaign profits and new campaign analytics

We’ve updated your campaigner dashboard to include a variety of insightful analytics! These new insights will help you know what your campaign’s top selling items are, what color options customers prefer, where your customers are located, and more!

From your campaigner dashboard you can view the following:



  • Number of items ordered
  • Profits per currency
  • Total profit
  • Profit per item style (which items are making you the most profit!)



  • Sales per day
  • Colour Breakdown (what items/colours are most purchased by supporters)
  • Campaign page visits based on location
  • Sales by location

Below you’ll find the Campaigner Dashboard Guide video; this video demonstrates how to navigate your campaigner dashboard. For specific instructions on accessing your profits and analytics please refer to the minute marks indicated here:

  • For profits fast-forward to minute 3:10
  • For campaign analytics fast-forward to minute 3:50

Campaign Pricing: What factors influence base cost of items

Want to know what factors influence the base cost of items? How about what currency and selling prices your customers see? Please watch the video below for more information on the following topics:

  • Item pricing breakdown: what factors contribute to base cost and selling price of items; the selling price (price the customer sees on your campaign page) is a combination of the base cost (production cost) + profits = you determine how much profit you want to earn per item
  • How designs affect base cost: more colors in design = higher base cost
  • How campaign goal affects base cost: higher selling goal = lower base cost
  • Display selling prices for customers based on location (VAT vs. No VAT): customers view the selling price and currency based on their geographic location (ex. customers in USA see price in dollars and their price does not include VAT)
  • For recommended selling prices of items please visit our Product Options page

Fundraising with Fabrily: How to write the perfect campaign description

You’ve got your design idea and are in the process of setting up your first Fabrily campaign…now what? It all starts with a great campaign description! Below we’ll offer tips and examples on writing a great description and explain why it’s so important to the success of your campaign.

Campaign Description DO’s and DON’Ts

Your campaign description is more important than you think! Having a good campaign description adds creditability to your campaign, provides people with a way of contacting or connecting with your organization, and offers you the opportunity to ask your supporters for help promoting the campaign. Here are the DO’s and DONT’s of writing your campaign description:


  • DO write 1 – 2 paragraphs about the organization & how funds raised will be used
  • DO include inks to your website, social media accounts, etc.
  • DO make sure to thank people for their support and ask them to help you promote the campaign through their social media accounts


  • DON’T make your campaign description too long – this is something we see a lot and it is a big NO-NO! When your description is super long it makes viewing different styles/colours very difficult. Also having the “buy now” button clearly visible increases the chances of people making a purchase.
  • DON’T leave out links to your website or the website of the organization where the funds will be sent – the absence of this information can make a campaign look less credible; people want to know where the funds raised are going.


1. Marie Curie Fundraiser


Vicki wrote up a great description for her campaign – she explains why she is raising funds, how the funds will be used, included links to her social media accounts, as well as asked supporters to help her promote the campaign via social media. Also notice the shirt styles and colour options are clearly visible.

2. Blackfish Brigade


Blackfish Brigade is a perfect example of a good campaign description – all the information is clearly visible, they have included links to their social media accounts, and they thank their supporters as well as explain exactly where the funds raised will be sent.

3. MSA Awareness


This campaign description by MSA Awareness is short but it tells us the main things we need to know– who the fundraiser is for, how the funds will be used, and where we can find more information about the organization. Notice the colour options are clearly visible as well as the green “buy now” button.

For more tips please visit our Success Stories page where we provide video tutorials, campaign insight, advice from past campaigners, and promotions guides for Facebook, Twitter, and post-campaign promotion.

Campaigner Competition: Fabrily’s Big Spanish Tee Fiesta


Well done to everyone who participated in the German competition! It was great to see so many of you try something new and succeed! Get ready to brush up on your Spanish skills this month as we tackle Spain. Olé!


  1. Your campaigns must finish by October 29th to be in the running.
  2. Campaign descriptions MUST be in Spanish (this will improve conversions!). Please email for free Spanish translations.
  3. The title of the campaign and any text in the design do not have to be in Spanish, it just has to be targeted towards the Spanish market.


Winners will be selected based on the total number of items sold across all your Spanish campaigns–so don’t be afraid to experiment with multiple campaigns!

  • 1st Place: £100 Amazon voucher
  • 2nd Place: £50 Amazon voucher
  • 3rd Place: £25 Amazon voucher

We have created some design templates to get your creative juices flowing. Feel free to download them and edit them to your liking! Click here to access these templates, an infographic on the Spanish market, and common English-Spanish translations!

Make sure to join the Fabrily Strategy Group on Facebook and check out the new Universidad Fabrily Española for pointers on the Spanish market!

cervezaBurnt Orange FrontenfermeraRoyal Blue Front   sevilleCandyfloss Pink Front